1 chicken, 1.8 kg
2 l heavy cream
2 carrots
2 onions
1 leek
300 g turnips
2 l chicken stock
Peel the carrots, onions, turnips and wash the leek. In a large pot, place the seasoned chicken, vegetables* and chicken stock. Cover with thick cream. Bring to a simmer and cook in oven at 160°C for 90 m.
When done, put the chicken on a warm plate and cover. Keep the vegetables apart.
Pass the sauce through a chinois and emulsify it with a whisk after correcting the seasoning.
Cut chicken in 8 pieces, arrange with vegetables in a large shallow dish and baste with sauce. Serve with gratin dauphinois or potato matefaim.
*To avoid the turnips turning too soft, add them for the last 20 m.
**Try a quicker version with chicken pieces (for instance for 2 persons with chicken thigh filets): cook for 30 m on top of the stove. Keep the pieces warm. Thicken the sauce. Serve.
This is the Lyon version of volaille à la crème.
Try the classic version.
Read tip on cooking meat in the oven.
More recipes from the Lyon region: goat cheese spread, matefaim salé, salade lyonnaise.