2 large potatoes
2 tbs buttermilk
1 fresh egg
50 g cooked North Sea shrimps*
some butter
Cook a few large potatoes, mash them and mix in the buttermilk (about 1 tbs per potato, depending how moist you want the mash to be).
Meanwhile, poach the egg(s).
Heat shrimps in a little butter. Save the butter.
Put the mashed potatoes on a plate. Dig a little hole on top and drip in the shrimp butter, then slide in the poached egg. Shower with shrimps.
Serve with a sour beer like Belgian Rodenbach, or a dry white wine.
Alternatively, try North sea shrimps with mashed potatoes and white shallots sauce.
*These should be the small grey variety. Not sure if this works well with pink shrimps or prawns. You can replace the shrimps with shredded cooked or baked white fish filets or make a mix of both.
The Flemish name is kerremelksmeus in coastal region dialect, smeus meaning mash.
Try a summery variation with sour cream, basil and tomatoes.