tip: brewing coffee in a French press

For ➋-➍
1 tbs coarsely ground coffee per portion (2 tbs or 10 g coffee beans)
20 cl water per portion

Preheat the beaker by pouring in hot tap water or boiling water, then pouring it out just before you add the ground coffee.
Boil fresh water. Good water makes good coffee. Use spring or filtered water. Boil untill 90°C.
Spoon into the French Press freshly roasted coffee that is between 3-10 days old. Use coarsely ground coffee.
After water has come to a boil, let it sit for 1 m before filling your French press with water.
Give everything a stir with a wooden spoon or chopstick before putting the lid back on.
Replace the lid with the “plunger handle” pulled out and the filter sitting at the top.
Let the coffee brew for about 2-4 m. Aroma works as a good guide to when it is ready. You’ll notice the coffee go from acidic to smelling really good before the acidic smell comes back.
(For a cleaner cup with less sediment, remove the lid just before plunging and gently stir the coffee grounds still floating at the top with the thick end of a chopstick. Then carefully skim off the fine grinds left on the surface.)
With the spout facing away from you, gently push the “plunger” down until it reaches the bottom. By exerting firm, even pressure it should take about 10 to 20 s to filter the coffee.
Serve the coffee immediately or transfer unused coffee into a thermo.
Read more tips.