tip: make fish skin crispy

To skin-dry salmon (or any other fish), remove as much water of the skin as possible. Draw a knife blade back and forth over the fish, the way a wiper blade moves across a windshield. The pressure compresses the skin and squeezes the water to the surface, and the knife blade carries it away. Repeat this until no more water rises to the surface. Wipe the knife blade clean with a paper towel to remove what looks like grayish scum.
Bake the fish (for salmon 4 m on skin side, 4 m on flesh side).
Eventually remove the skin when crisp and use it to serve sushi, maki or sushi rice cornets.
Salmon skin is edible (and a source of omega3), but be sure that the fish comes from a metal-clear source. Open sea fish skin might be contaminated. Remove scales from skin to avoid hurting.