Tortiglioni alla zucca (stirred filled pasta with pumpkin)

For ➍
400 g hard or fresh tortiglioni pasta
3 tbs olive oil
500 g butter squash or pumpkin, cubed
1 potato, cubed
1 onion, chopped
1 glove garlic, chopped
3 tbs dry white wine
40 cl warm vegetable broth
1 tbs Parmesan cheese
small chili, finely sliced

Heat 2 tbs of olive oil in a large skillet. Sauté the onion, the garlic and 2 tbs of wine for 10 m while stirring.
Add a small glass of broth.
Add squash and potato. Sauté for 5 m.
Add the pasta and another glass of broth. Keep stirring and gradually add more broth. Pasta should be ready in about 15 m. Mix 1 tbs of olive oil through the pasta. Add some some salt, sliced chili and Parmesan.

This is the earliest form of cooking pasta, and is already described in the itriya recipe, noted in the first Arab cookbook by Al-Baghdadi in 1226. This way of cooking pasta in a risotto-like way, absorbs the liquid, rather than loosing taste in a pot of water.
Most risotto recipes can be adapted to this way of cooking pasta, with pasta instead of rice.