6 white asparagus stalks* (500 g)
1 egg***
25 g butter
2 ts parsley, chopped
Cook the eggs for 10 m. Let them cool. Peel.
Peel the stalks**. Cut the hard end. Steam the asparagus for about 10-15 m.****
Meanwhile crumble the eggs with a fork. Mix with the parsley.
Melt the butter. Gently discard the solids and save the clarified butter.******
Put the asparagus on a plate and nap with the melted butter and eggs.
Serve with bread and a dry mineral white wine, like Riesling.
*Or 3 as an entrée (300 g).
**Use the cleaned and chopped peels in an asparagus broth or soup.
****Alternatively, put the asparagus in cold, salted water. Bring to the boil. Cook for 1 m. Put the heat off and let cook until done (10-15 m).
*****To clarify butter, put butter on low heat for 10 m until solids separate from the fat. Let stand for a few m. Skim off the foam. In a microwave, cook covered for 30 s (for 40 g). Let stand until solids sink. Save the fat.
*****To clarify butter, put butter on low heat for 10 m until solids separate from the fat. Let stand for a few m. Skim off the foam. In a microwave, cook covered for 30 s (for 40 g). Let stand until solids sink. Save the fat.
This is a Flemish traditional dish, made with local white asparagus. White asparagus are covered with soil, sand in this case, to preserve their pristine colour.
Try a more contemporary fusion version.
Read tip on cooking asparagus.