6 tbs extra virgin olive oil
3 tbs water*
1½ tbs lemon juice*
1 garlic clove, very finely chopped
1 tbs chopped fresh oregano
1 tbs chopped fresh celery herb or celery leaves (optional)
1 tbs chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
Place the oil and water into a bowl and whisk together until thick and emulsified. ** Add the lemon juice and a pinch of salt.** Add the garlic, oregano, celery herb or leaves (if using) and parsley and stir well.
Drizzle*** over grilled swordfish.****
Drizzle*** over grilled swordfish.****
*Replace with another tbs of lemon juice to get a thicker sauce.
**Or put in a jar, close and shake until mixed.
***You can flavour the fish or meat with the sauce before searing. Or put in the sauce when done, and let it cook for a few m.
****Use grilled beef steaks or chicken, or any firm fish instead.
The salmoriglio takes its name from the Sicilian word for 'brine', 'sammurigghiu'. It is used all over Southern Italy in a multitude of recipes.
Picture shows the Palermo market.
Read a similar recipe.
Read more Sicilian recipes: tartar of shrimps & artichokes, a Sicilian salad, Sicilian broccoli, spaghetti with tomatoes, capers & mint.