12,5 cl whipped cream
30 g sugar
250 g mascarpone
4 tbs milk
100 g amaretti or macaroons
10 cl strong coffee (espresso), cooled
2 ts cocoa powder
Beat the cream with the sugar almost stiff. Stir the mascarpone loose with the milk. Mix through the cream. Spread half of the cookies in 4 glasses. Pour 1 tbs of coffee into each glass.
Divide half the cream mixture over the glasses and sprinkle the rest of the amarettini on it. Keep a few cookies for garnish.
Pour another tbs of coffee on it.
Fill with the rest of the cream mixture. Garnish with the remaining cookies. Sprinkle with cocoa powder.
*This quick tiramisu-like dessert can be made in advance and kept in the refrigerator.
Read Sophia Loren's tiramisu recipe.