Matcha ryokucha aisukurimu (matcha green tea ice cream)

For ➍-➏
20 cl milk
2 egg yolks (room temperature)
5 tbs sugar*
20 cl heavy cream, whipped
1 tbs matcha green tea powder*
3 tbs hot water

Mix hot water and green tea powder together in a bowl. Set aside.
Lightly whisk egg yolks in a pan. Add sugar in the pan and mix well. Gradually add milk in the pan and mix well. Put the pan on low heat and heat the mixture, stirring constantly.
When the mixture is thickened, remove the pan from the heat. Soak the bottom of the pan in ice water and cool the mixture. Add green tea in the egg mixture and mix well, cooling in ice water.
Add whipped heavy cream in the mixture and stir gently. Pour the mixture in an ice cream maker and freeze.
Or, pour the mixture in a container and freeze, stirring the ice cream a few times.

*When using a sweet green tea mix, lessen the sugar. When matcha is not available, make 1 tbs/3 ts finely ground green tea from about 6 green tea bags.