2 tbs olive oil
6 large sausages, herby rather than spicy*
400 g assorted tomatoes**
150 g fregola***
1-2 tbs harissa paste
olive oil
Warm the oil in a large, shallow-sided pan and fry the sausages over a low to moderate heat until nicely browned.
Remove the sausages, slice them thickly then return them to the pan.
Roughly chop the tomatoes and add them to the sausages, letting them soften and collapse into a rough sauce over a moderate heat. ut a large pan of water on to boil and add a little salt. Tip in the fregola and leave to boil for 10 m.
Check its progress regularly, draining it as soon as it is tender.
Stir the harissa paste into the tomatoes and season with a little salt.
Cook until you have a rich, thick sauce then stir in the drained fregola.
Check the seasoning and serve.
*Use eggplant chunks for a vegetarian version. Use more oil.
**Add a little sugar for a stronger taste.
***Fregola (or fregula) is a Sardinian couscous-like toasted pasta from durum wheat.