♥︎Spanakorizo ​​(Greek spinach rice).

For ➋
400 g spinach leaves (wild spinach)
150 g onions
20 g dill
4 tbs olive oil
120 g carnaroli rice
5 cl dry white wine
25 cl of water
1 lemon
salt & freshly ground black pepper

Check the spinach, wash it several times in plenty of water, drain and chop coarsely. Peel the onions and chop them finely. Remove the dill from the stems, set some tops aside and chop the rest finely.
Heat 2 tbs olive oil in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium to high heat. Fry the onions until translucent; stir regularly.
Add the rice and fry briefly. Deglaze with the wine. Reduce the wine almost completely.
Add the chopped spinach and let it shrink. Add 25 cl of water, add some salt and let it simmer without a lid for about 15 m (depending on the type of rice) over low heat, until the rice is al dente; stir occasionally.
The rice should be cooked, but not falling apart. 
Stir in the dill. Season with the finely grated zest of ½ lemon, 1-1½ tbs lemon juice, 1-2 tbs olive oil and black pepper. The rice should taste fresh and lemony.
Divide the spinach rice over two deep plates. If desired, drizzle some olive oil over it and grate over the zest of a few lemon wedges. Sprinkle the dill tops over it.