Spiedini di capesante e pancetta (skewered scallops with bacon)

For ➍
12 scallops
12 slices flat pancetta (or bacon)
olive oil
side dish:
3 potatoes
20 shallots
a sprig fresh thyme
olive oil
1 red bell pepper
1 small onion
1 potato
stock (optional)
olive oil
salt & pepper

Wrap the scallops in the strips of pancetta. Skewer them, 3 to a spit. Cook them over a brisk flame, in a skillet in a little olive oil, for 5 m, turning them to brown all sides.*
To make the side dish, boil the potatoes, peel them, dice them, and sauté them in a skillet with a little olive oil and the thyme, turning them to brown all sides of the cubes.
Peel the shallots and sauté them in a separate pan with butter; when they have browned and softened add a little sugar and some vinegar to glaze them, and cook them until tender, adding broth or water as necessary and checking seasoning.
To make the sauce, finely slice the onion and sauté in olive oil until translucent. Peel the potato, and dice it, as well as the pepper. Add them to the onion, cook a few milonger, add some broth or water, and cook until the potatoes are tender. Blend and check seasoning.
Arrange the scallops on serving dishes with the vegetables, sauce them and serve.

*Or preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for 15-20 m.
Spiedini are the Italian version of Middle Eastern kebab. Every variation is possible, and can be served with a sauce and a side-dish for a full meal. Alternatively, add some chopped vegetables or fruit (for instance onions in this recipe)or even bread to the skewers to have a snack.
Alternate: 16 scallops with coral, 8 slices of bacon, 1 clove garlic, 1 large onion, chopped parsley, some bay leaves cut in half, pepper and a few slices of lemon for garnish:: chop the garlic finely and mix in a bowl with the chopped parsley and freshly ground pepper; wrap 8 scallops into the bacon; prepare the skewers, alternating chopped onion, bacon roll, half a bay leaf and pieces of scallop; put on the grill turning the skewers every 5 m until well colored; serve hot with lemon wedges.
Read tip on cooking scallops.